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Things To Know

There are many things to consider when ordering a cake and the lingo can be confusing. I hope this helps your ordering process with language such as layers vs. tiers and how much cake to order per serving as well as understanding cake pricing.

Cake Layers vs. Cake Tiers

Layers are when the cake circles are the same size with buttercream or filling between them. Tiers are when the cake circles are different sizes stacked vertically with the largest layers on the bottom and smallest layers on the top. All tiered cakes are supported with dowels (wooden support rods) and cake board! 

Image showing a cake layer is one cake cut in half horizontally  while a cake tier is two separate cakes stacked.

Serving Chart

This diagram shows how many servings you can get out of each cake size. You do not have to cut your cake as the chart shows. If you need larger slices, then order a bigger cake. Cake saves well in an airtight container or is great for breakfast after your event!

Image showing different ways to slice a cake for appropriate amount of servings per cake size.

Cake Pricing

There is a lot that goes into making a specialty custom cake. Every item I make is made to order from scratch. Inflation has unfortunately affected cake prices especially if you have noticed the price of butter at grocery stores. Though these numbers are not exact, they are a rough estimate. I hope they help in understanding why my cakes are the price they are. 

Image showing cost breakdown including time to make cake, ingredients, packaging, etc.
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